Industrial component washer

How to improve the cleanliness of Industrial Components parts.

Specifications for particulate and film-residue cleanliness are a matter of course for many machined components. In addition to the parts cleaning procedure, manufacturers must consider the entire process chain when seeking to efficiently achieve and maintain the required level of cleanliness.

Even the smallest particle or a thin film residue can have a detrimental effect on subsequent processes, the quality of parts, and the overall functionality of the final product. To illustrate this, let's consider cutting tools that are frequently coated with durable materials like diamond-like carbon to enhance their performance and lifespan. Achieving a high level of surface cleanliness is crucial for depositing these coatings, as even the tiniest particle or trace of film residue can weaken the adhesion between the coating and the tool's base material. This weakened adhesion can result in premature tool failure, emphasizing the significance of maintaining a clean surface during the coating process.
The question is all about seeking effective solutions for:
· Increasing the cleaning efficiency.
· Reducing costs.
· Protecting your washing utility against misuse, time, and wear.

SS ENGINEERS & CONSULTANTS, having an excellent track record of providing cleaning solutions to all industrial & food processing lines for the past two decades, recommends the following actions & guidelines which can significantly upgrade your cleaning results to the next level.

Clean your parts first and store them next:
If you store parts that have been used with coolants before cleaning them, it will take more time and effort to remove dried and spotted marks from the parts later on. To minimize costs and efficiency, it is advisable to clean the parts first and then store them. By following this approach, you can prevent the formation of stubborn marks and save time and resources during the cleaning process.

Hydrocarbon bathing of parts before cleaning for improved results:
Before placing parts into a washer, it is necessary to dip them in a hydrocarbon bath. This bath is specifically designed for parts that have water or coolant on them. By dipping the parts in the bath beforehand, any excess water can be effectively removed, ensuring optimal cleaning results when the parts are loaded into the washer.

Use brushing or High pressure before cleaning:
Standard washers may not be able to effectively remove burrs from parts. Therefore, it is recommended to perform a deburring process using a brush or high-pressure method before cleaning. This pre-deburring step ensures optimal results in terms of part cleanliness. In industrial settings where both deburring and cleaning are necessary, a washing facility that can handle all these tasks, including drying, will yield the most effective and efficient outcomes.

Compromising affects the quality of cleaning:
  • The cleaning process generally gets affected by the change/compromise in/with the coolant.
  • Compromise with tooling generates chips (a result of dull tooling). The solution is to use new tooling or chip breaker.
Try to avoid the direct contact of humans with the parts:
Oily hands, hair fall of humans affect the cleaning. So it is better to encourage workers to use lint-free gloves, hairnets, and body aprons/coats, whenever possible.

Avoid using galvanized perforated metal baskets:
To enhance the cleaning process, it is recommended to utilize round-wired baskets made of stainless steel. These baskets provide several advantages such as increased cleaning area and reduced deflection of ultrasonic waves, which are commonly used for cleaning purposes. By using these baskets, the cleaning efficiency is improved as more surfaces of the items being cleaned are exposed to the cleaning action, and the ultrasonic waves are better directed towards the desired areas, ensuring thorough and effective cleaning.

Selection of cleaning process versus contaminants:
This influences cleaning cycle times, cleanliness levels, and repeatability. The composition of contaminants validates the cleaning process:
  • Use Isoparaffin (Hydrocarbon) cleaning for parts made under oily-based cutting fluids.
  • Use aqueous parts cleaner for water-based contaminants such as emulsions, or lapping compounds.
  • Use a modified alcohol cleaning process for cleaning parts produced through a mix of oil and water-based coolants.
The role of intermediate cleaning:
For certain multi-stage production processes, it is beneficial to implement phase-wise intermediate cleaning of parts. When the final cleaning stage does not meet the desired standards for such production processes, utilizing this method of cleaning can yield optimal results. By incorporating intermediate cleaning steps at various phases of production, the overall cleanliness and quality of the parts can be improved, ensuring that they meet the required standards for the subsequent stages of production.

Good maintenance of washer makes the difference:
  • Good machine maintenance yields good results. It reduces the likelihood of unseen issues and rejected parts or batches.
  • Use fine cleaning machines for specified purposes only, not for general cleaning, to prevent the degradation of the machine’s efficiency.
  • To prevent environmental effects on cleaned parts, they are to be transported to an apt clean room immediately after cleaning, if there is a delay for packing or storing.
  • Wrap the parts in protective packing after cleaning avoids dirty shipping and packaging and prevents the introduction of new contaminants by containers such as crates or boxes if they have dirt or debris.
  • The parts washers and solvent degreasers should meet EPA and OSHA standards. Manufacturers should get assurances/awareness about the present and future regulatory impacts for their regio

Use demineralized water in water-based machines:
Using a vapor degreaser is highly recommended for effective cleaning. This method helps prevent the occurrence of water spots on the cleaned parts. Alternatively, if a vapor degreaser is not available, you can wipe the parts with a clean cloth after washing them to ensure they are free from any water spots.

Cleaning awareness influences quality cleaning:
Providing operators with essential training and implementing best practices can lead to positive outcomes and ensure the efficient functioning of machines. By offering proper training to operators and guiding them with the best practices, it becomes possible to achieve satisfactory end results and maintain the machines in an effective manner.

Handling and Packaging of Components:
After parts have been cleaned in the facility, it is important to shield them from potential recontamination by surrounding environmental impurities like dust and oily air. This can be easily achieved by enclosing or covering the area where the cleaned parts are removed from the cleaning system. By taking this simple precautionary measure, the cleanliness of the parts can be preserved, ensuring they remain free from any external contaminants until they are ready for further processing or use.

To meet stringent cleanliness standards for parts, it is recommended to carry out the tasks of removing, inspecting, and packaging the parts in a clean area or cleanroom. This environment should be managed by trained personnel who possess the necessary equipment and knowledge. To safeguard cleaned parts from corrosion, packaging materials containing volatile corrosion inhibitors can be employed. These materials create a protective atmosphere within the package, shielding the parts from both corrosion and external contaminants. By implementing these measures, the cleanliness and integrity of the parts can be maintained throughout the packaging and storage process.

When all aspects of the parts cleaning process are well-aligned and integrated with the overall production chain, dirt and debris become powerless to impede the process. By ensuring that each step of the cleaning process is properly executed and coordinated with other production stages, the risk of contaminants causing issues is significantly reduced. This synergy among the various elements involved in parts cleaning creates a robust defense against dirt and debris, resulting in cleaner and more reliable parts for the subsequent stages of production.

Effects of contamination on automotive components:
In automotive engines, the pistons move back and forth within very narrow gaps, and engine oil is used to maintain a tight seal. Even a small amount of metal contamination sticking to the side of a piston ring can lead to serious issues. As the pistons repeatedly move, this contamination can cause damage to the inner wall of the cylinder liner, resulting in various engine problems. It is crucial to prevent such metal contamination to ensure the smooth and reliable operation of the engine.

As the number of vehicles with high-capacity batteries, like electric vehicles (EVs), has risen, the significance of contamination analysis has also grown. It is essential to examine the presence of metal components or other particles in lithium-ion batteries because such contamination can lead to heat generation or even fires. Ensuring the cleanliness and purity of these batteries is crucial for the safe and reliable operation of EVs, highlighting the importance of thorough contamination analysis.
Apart from thoroughly cleaning these components after manufacturing, it is also necessary to perform cleanliness analysis in accordance with internationally recognized industrial standards. This analysis helps ensure that the components meet the required cleanliness levels and adhere to the specified quality standards. By conducting proper cleanliness analysis, any residual contaminants or particles can be identified and addressed, guaranteeing the optimal performance and reliability of the components.

Why choose us?
SS Engineers are a professional cleaning solutions provider for all capacity industries right from small to large. We are customer-focused and know the value of your purpose and money.

Our standard machines are being in use in India and abroad at various industries:
  • Manufacturing plants
  • Logistics industries
  • Agri-food industries
  • Automotive industries
  • Dairy food products
  • Hotels & supply chains
  • Bakeries & confectionaries
  • Food distribution centers
  • Food production houses
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